The School Committee has chosen a name for the new Elementary School Building currently in progress at 129 Hayden Rowe St. The Committee sent out the following announcement to be shared with the public: “At their meeting on March 16, 2017, the School Committee voted to name the new elementary school building “Marathon Elementary School”. The Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in the naming process for this exciting project.”
The process consisted of multiple forms of public outreach including online surveys and public School Committee meetings to narrow the list down. School Committe Chair, Lori Nickerson stated public input played a very important part in the decision; “the Committee as a whole felt such a deep responsibility for community input.”. During the School Committee discussion, Lori stated that the Committee seeked further public outreach once the list of possible names was narrowed down to 11 choices. “We decided to add to our process and send that vetted down list out to the community for survey which garnered over 3,000 responses, which I’d like to point out is more than that atttend the town election every year.”
School Committee Chair, Lori Nickerson stated that “Marathon Elementary School” was the reccommendation of School Superintendent, Dr. Cathy MacLeod and also the choice that received the most approval from the public. View more from the School Committee Middle School naming discussion below.