Ten students graduated this years Ashland Fire Department’s Camp Bailout. The program allows teenage girls between 12 and 19 to explore what it’s like to work in the fire and emergency medical service professions. Participants in the program had the opportunity to learn and use equipment and also talk to industry professionals. Sara Jordan of the Hopkinton Fire Department was one of the instructors of Camp Bailout; “The students were great they all worked very well together, they worked with us, they were very receptive, asked lots of questions and I think they learned a lot.”
Organizer of the program, Lieutenant, Lyn Moraghan of the Ashland Fire Department called this years camp “one of the most successful so far.” Some of the activities students performed during the program consisted of Firehouse Training, Engine Hose Operation, Boat Operations, Ladder Operations, Auto Extraction (Jaws of Life) training, The program also got the opportunity to travel to UMass-Worcester and got a tour of the trauma facility as well as a life-flight helicopter. The activities educated about emergency services professions and encouraged teamwork. Two Students from Hopkinton completed this years Camp Bailout program; Melissa Hayes and Devin Gross. View more in the video below.