Video: “The Spoon” is Open for Business!

The locally famous “Golden Spoon” opened their doors in 1981 as a coffee shop and turned into a full service restaurant in 2001. The “Golden Spoon” became a Sunday morning tradition for many local residents.

The restaurant closed their doors in March 2015 to prepare for a relocation to a new plaza at 1 Lumber Street. About 14 months later, the restaurant now known as “The Spoon” is back open for business and ready to once again become a local favorite. Co-Owner Bill Morgan is happy to be back, “We’re glad to be back, glad to see a lot of old friends and it feels like we never closed.”

Despite being closed down for over a year, Co-Owner, Bill Morgan has kept very busy; “I got married, I sold my house, I sold my Wife’s house, I moved into another house, we opened this business and I worked at another job in the meantime.”

Owners, Bill Morgan and Samantha Prescott were happy to report a good amount of their employees are back. Prescott stated that a lot of the college kids are back and 75% of the staff has been retained. Morgan is also very happy with the new location; “everything is brand new, nicely decorated, nice space, close enough to where everybody can find us and we can see our old location from here so it feels great.”

The restaurant now known as “The Spoon” is open for business 5:30am-2:30pm Monday through Saturday as well as 4-8pm Friday nights and also Sundays 6am-2pm. View the video news segment below!

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