Video: Town Manager, Norman Khumalo Talks Special Town Meeting

On January 30th at the Hopkinton Middle School auditorium starting at 7pm there will be a special town meeting, the meeting will also air live on HCAM. The major topic of the special town meeting will be what to change or not change in the town charter and also if permission should be granted for an additional $1.5 Million towards the Elementary School Building Project. View the special town meeting warrant above.

There are 4 articles in the special town meeting.
Article 1: Periodic Charter Review: Report & Recommendations
Article 2: School Building Project
Article 3: Acquisition of Property at 61 Main Street for Downtown Corridor Realignment
Article 4: Authority to Negotiate Solar Agreements

Below, Hopkinton Town Manager, Norman Khumalo gave a brief description of each article and provided some further information about the upcoming Special Town Meeting.

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