-On Wednesday April 24th, the Hopkinton Womens Club hosts the 32nd annual Meet the Candidates Night at the HCAM studios. Get a chance to ask this years Town Election candidates questions. You can ask questions a number of ways including attending the event or emailing questions prior to live@hcam.tv. Meet the candidates night starts at 7pm on Wednesday April 24th.
-On Saturday April 27th, starting at 1:30pm. Learn about the dangers of Ticks at the Hopkinton Public Library. The event sponsored by Friends of
Whitehall will host entomologist Larry Dapsis to discuss the dangers of ticks and answer questions from the public. Tick diseases are competely preventable, come learn how.
-On Monday, April 29th, ehop hosts the 7th annual Know your vote program. the event will take place starting at 6:30pm at the Hopkinton Public Library.
If you have a question about town meeting, this is a must watch program. you may submit questions a number of ways including attending the forum or
in advance by email at knowyourbvote@ehop.org. Panelists will include: Town Moderator, Thomas Garabedian, Town Manager, Norman Khumalo, Selectmen Chair, Claire Wright, School Committee Chair, Nancy Cavanaugh, Director of Land Use and Town Operations, Elaine Lazarus, Parks & Recreation Chair, Dan Terry, Planning Board Chair, Muriel Kramer and Historical Commission Chair, Mike Roughan. Find out more at www.ehop.org.
-On Wednesday, May 1st, HCAM will host the annual Town Election contested races debate. The debates will start at 7pm. The 5 contested races this year include: Board of Selectmen, Town Moderator, Commissioners of Parks and Recreation, Commissioners of Trust Funds and a 2 year term for the Planning Board. The debates will take place Wednesday May 1st, 7pm at the HCAM studios on 77 main street. Find out more at www.hcam.tv.