This is not an April Fools joke. Actually this is a true and exciting opportunity and invitation to join Wake up and Smell the Poetry taking the night-time stage Saturday night, May 4th at Amazing Things Arts Center. This center is located at 160 Hollis Center in Framingham MA. As host, I have been invited to bring a sampling of the many highlights of past 7 seasons to the stage at Amazing Things. Admittedly, there are so many special moments of contribution to celebrate thanks to so many of you and so I have invited a few poets who have been past features as well as activists of the arts within their community. There will also be some offering of some of the past songs and stories shared. Please come and join the chance to celebrate waking up to poetry, story and song!
Whether you are part of the line-up that eve or you have been a part of the community in the past 7 years…please do plan to join this time of celebration when Wake up and Smell the Poetry is invited to spread the “awakening” at any hour… of what the art of poetry, story and song can do for us all as contributors, as listeners….as community.
I hope you can join this exciting celebration. There will be cake!
Hosted by founder/ co-producer of Wake up and Smell the Poetry, Cheryl Perreault and featuring some of the highlights of poetry, music & more from the past 7 seasons at HCAM –TV with a celebratory line-up of past guest features who have been poets/writers and activists of the arts for the community including:
Tim Mason
Kate Chadbourne
Ellen Schmidt representing Norma Farber
Elizabeth McKim
Bill Thibodeau
Polly Brown
bg Thurston
Marilyn Rea Beyer
Dianne Bilyak
Molly Saccardo
With special appearances also provided by Trish and Phil Knudsen, Ruthann and Sam Baler, John and Chris Boehmer, Linda and Joseph Havel, Peter LaGoy and Amanda Maffei, Jere Shea and more!
Come and see why poetry belongs to all people with original poetry read from the page as well as performed on the stage. Performed as spoken word art, or ala hip-hop music, or accompanied by instruments such as piano, guitar or percussion with topics ranging from birth to what it is like to get old and face death, to work as a carpenter, to life on the farm, to having dinner on a sidewalk café in Paris, to seeing daily life on the streets of Delhi India, to taking a peaceful walk in the woods of Metrowest, or discovery of the science of drinking a dry martini or chocolate milk straight from the carton in the parking lot of a grocery store after an especially hard day.
Taking place at Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA
To reserve your ticket early , visit the Amazing Things website.