Wake Up and Smell the Poetry: New Year Greetings and Schedule

If you simply read the weekly emails, if you attend “Wake up…” regularly or only once been there, if you work as crew or volunteer, or if you just come to listen…Thank you.

There is no ” I” or “me” …there is only “we”—Bruce Weigl

I heard these most memorable words of 2011 last March when poet Bruce Weigl spoke before an audience of over 900 at Acton/Boxboro High School after receiving the Robert Creeley Poetry Award.

Philosophically, these words resonate with me when thinking about life on this planet (the larger scale). They also resonate on smaller scale, closer to home as host of Wake Up and Smell the Poetry monthly programs, now in its 6th season where I have seen the power and beauty of the “we” of community at work.

Thanks to the contributions of so many people over time …..in making “Wake up…” what it is …in helping to transform it each time to a new and different state of being….by sharing the love of the arts with with one another…by listening, learning, laughing, crying, hoping, helping and inspiring each other to move on and to dream. Songwriters inspiring poets to sing, poets inspiring songwriters to write, storytellers reciting poems, musicians learning how to tell a story, veterans of the art inspiring first-timers to give open mic a try. HCAM film crew sharing at the open mic…. All weaving into a community that gives voice to what is important and of meaning ….honoring the stuff of life that requires celebration as well as somber contemplation… from as large as the wish for world peace to as small as singing about a centipede …the guest features, the open mic participants, the listening audience, the HCAM Crew and volunteers….every bit of this community contributes to a one-ness of experience that has been my great honor and pleasure to host and be a part of.

I look forward to sharing the remainder of this season with you

The upcoming programs will include guest features (listed below)…and an open mic that is always impressive, different and bountiful.

You are welcome to sign up with me in advance for any month.

Thank you again and a Happy New Year to you.

—Cheryl Perreault, host of Wake up and Smell the Poetry at HCAM- TV Studios

Announcing 2012 January-June schedule:

Please note: All programs are intended to include three 20 minute spots by guest features. Admittedly, the number of talented storytellers, poets and songwriters within our community is extraordinary. Selection of features has more to do with the whole of program experience, program themes and potential for audience connection than anything else. To my regret, I still know of many, many friends and acquaintances of great talent that I have yet to invite as feature. Fortunately, the open mic is an equally important opportunity for such contribution from great talents of near and far, ranging in experience from newcomer to professional…all making for a powerful monthly experience of “we” celebrating the arts together.

  • January 21st: Karen Given, Dan Tobin, Adrienne Fawkes & Carrie Rowan
  • February 18th : Peg Espinola, Joan Kimball, Elizabeth Appleby
  • March 17th: Licia Sky, Raelinda Woad, bg Thurston & Candice Curran
  • April 21st: Scott Alarik, Judith Ferrara & John Gaumond honoring Stanley Kunitz
  • May 19th : Neiel Israel, John Boehmer, Joe Fredette
  • June 2nd: Martha Collins, Lauren Passarelli, Bill Duncan
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