On September 30th from 2 until 5pm the Baby Safe Haven Stage is coming to the first Ashland-Hopkinton Porchfest event.
“The Baby Safe Haven Stage has appeared at festivals like the “Color The City Festival” in Worcester and the Natick and Arlington Porchfests. The portable stage offers musicians a place to play along with musical equipment. The stage also features a prominent yellow sign with simple instructions for anyone who may need to surrender a newborn under
seven days old in Massachusetts.”
The Baby Safe Haven stage was founded by the Baby Safe Haven New England organization. The organization was formed by a Marlborough Couple, Jean and Mike Morrisey with the main goal of the organization being to recruit young influencers who inform new generations about baby safe haven protections.
In the segment below, HCAM’s Sidhi Dhanda talks with some of the Baby Safe Haven artists and view a glimpse of what to expect at the Baby Safe Haven performance at the Hopkinton Police Station and more about the Baby Safe Organization and Porchfest event on Saturday, September 30th.