Watch Now: Founder of Hopkinton Independent receives “Distinguished Service Award”

“Sarah (Lothrop) Duckett died Friday, June 7 at Metrowest Medical Center, Framingham. She was the wife of the late Frank Duckett, who died in November 2023. Born in Boston, she was the daughter of the late Warren and Margaret (Lotspeich) Lothrop. She was a longtime resident of Hopkinton, where she raised her three children.”

Read full obituary Here!

In 2019 founder of the Hopkinton Independent, Sarah Duckett was presented with the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to the Hopkinton community.

The Hopkinton Independent has been a huge asset in helping share local news to the community and an invaluable resource to Hopkinton.

Feel free to view the segment below of Sarah receiving the extremely well-deserved distinguished service award in 2019 and all of us at HCAM offer our deepest condolences to Sarah’s family & friends and we will always be grateful for her tremendous contributions to the community.

We also thank our friends at for sharing our segment.

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