Water Ban Now in Effect

In a public notice posted on the town website, John Westerling, Director of Public Works, has declared a Mandatory State of Water Conservation effective May 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012 for all customers connected to the municipal water system.

As stated in the notice, this mandatory action is required by the Department of Environmental Protection’s Final Water Management Act Permit and by Hopkinton’s Town By-Laws.

Lawn watering, including the use of automated sprinklers, will be allowed for up to two days per week before 7AM and after 7PM. All other non-essential use is permitted daily before 9AM and after 5PM. Allowed watering days are assigned by precinct.

  • Precinct 1 – Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Precinct 2 – Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Precinct 3 – Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Precinct 4 – Wednesdays and Fridays

Watering lawns is prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

Penalties will be enforced for any violations:

  • First Offense – Written Warning
  • Second Offense – $100 Fine
  • Third Offense and beyond – Water service may be suspended

According to Water-Sewer Manager Eric Carty, this March was the driest ever recorded since weather records started being kept over 100 years ago. That means we are already starting the watering season at a major deficit. Carty says we are currently down almost 8” of rain since January and the State has declared a severe drought. April is shaping up to be the second warmest ever and has brought us the same dry conditions with only one big storm that provided only temporary relief.

“It is imperative that everyone who has an automatic sprinkler system ensure that it is set for only the minimum that is required for their grass and other landscape needs,” said Carty. “A normal lawn only needs about 1” of water per week. If rain is expected, or has just occurred then your system should be shut off for the remainder of the week in order to avoid unnecessary and wasteful water use. You should check to ensure that your system in not dispensing more then what is needed during a dry week as well. Due to the twice per week restriction, the common belief is the sprinkler system needs to run for extended hours to maintain a green lawn, which is not the case. Your irrigation company can set your sprinklers to maintain the minimum amount required. It is only with each individual water user’s diligence toward efficient water use, that we will be able to maintain safe water levels for drinking and fire protection in case of prolonged drought.”

“The Department of Public Works appreciates your observation of this necessary action,” said Westerling.

Carty says the water department will also be utilizing the town websites, newspapers, cable TV and the CodeRed phone call system for emergencies. You can follow their updates on Twitter @hopkintonwater for instant department updates. In addition you can subscribe to our notice feed here.

For a listing of your precinct please Click Here.

For tips on minimizing water use outdoors, please visit the Water Department website.

“We thank you for your cooperation in helping to preserve our most important natural resource!”, said Carty.

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