Water Use Restriction Begins May 1

Please see the notice of water use restriction from Water-Sewer Manager Eric Carty.

Despite the torrential rains and snow melt in March, we are required by the town’s water management permit with the State, to limit nonessential outdoor use, to protect stream flow, aquatic life and ensure sustainable drinking water. The town is required to implement a MANDATORY State of Water Supply Conservation from May 1st , through September 30th each year, pursuant to the town’s water use restriction by-law. Under chapter 199-6 Section F; Lawn sprinklers may be used for lawn watering up to two days per week, outside of the hours of 9:00AM to 5:00PM. All other non-essential use is permitted daily outside the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM People residing in precinct one and three may water on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Precincts two and four may water on Wednesday and Fridays. There shall be no lawn watering on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. This applies only to those water services connected to the municipal water system.

It is imperative that everyone who has an automatic sprinkler system ensure that it is set for only the minimum that is required for their grass and other landscape needs. A normal lawn only needs about 1” of water per week. If rain is expected, or has just occurred then your system should be shut off for the remainder of the week in order to avoid unnecessary and wasteful water use. You should check to ensure that your system in not dispensing more then what is needed during a dry week as well. Due to the twice per week restriction, the common belief is the sprinkler system needs to run for extended hours on their day to maintain a green lawn, which is not the case. Your irrigation company can set your sprinklers to maintain the minimum amount required. It is only with each individual water user’s diligence toward efficient water use, that we will be able to maintain safe water levels in case of drought. Please plan accordingly if you are trying to establish a new lawn, so that you may comply with these regulations. Automatic sprinkler use for establish a new law is only permitted in the months of May and September.

The following are the penalties for non-compliance with the Town’s water use restriction by-law. Any person violating this by-law shall receive a written warning for the first offense. For the second offense, any person violating this By-law shall be liable to the Town in the amount of $100.00. For any violations beyond the second offense, water service may be suspended. Fines shall be recovered by inclusion as a charge on the next scheduled water bill.

The Water Department will be keeping users apprised of the current restriction through several methods. There are signs located at the following locations.

Location of Water Use Restriction Signs

1. Main St. @ Exxon
2. West Main @ Wood St. West Bound
3. Wood St. @ Westboro Line East Bound
4. Pond & Spring Intersection
5. South & West Main Intersection West Bound
6. West Main @ Pleasant East Bound
7. West Main @ School West Bound
8. Ash @ Park South Bound
9. Hayden Rowe @ Tennis Courts South Bound
10. Hayden Rowe @ Chestnut North Bound
11. East Main St. @ TJ’S West Bound

We will also be utilizing the town websites, newspapers, cable TV and the CodeRed phone call system for emergencies. For a listing of your precinct please Click Here.

For tips on minimizing water use outdoors, please visit our website.

The State will be monitoring the outdoor use by means of our annual reporting reflective of water meter readings. If the required goals are not met, the State may impose strict, enforcement orders on the town. These may include but are not limited to monetary fines, non-compliance regulatory action, and suspension or denial of any state funding.

We ask that you please adhere to all regulations and if you have any questions please give us a call at 508-497-9765.

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