According to the DPW weather station, the highest temperature reached in Hopkinton November 3rd through 10th was 66.2 degrees, the lowest was 28.3 degrees. Average temperature during the month in Hopkinton was 46.2 degrees. Humidity was at an average of 79.2%, the peak was 98% while the lowest was 36%. Wind Speed averaged 2.2 MPH, while reaching a high of 10 MPH. Rain accumulated 3.3 inches last week in Hopkinton. You can see all the averages for Hopkinton below and be on the lookout for future weather updates in Hopkinton.
The weather trends in Hopkinton were submitted by Water & Sewer Manager and WBZ Weather Spotter, Eric Carty. We thank Eric and the DPW for the information and look forward to keeping you up to date with all the weather trends in Hopkinton. Follow (@HopkintonWX) on Twitter and receive current conditions every 20 minutes and weather updates throughout the day.
November 3rd – November 10th
Temperature: High: 66.2°F Low: 28.3°F Average: 46.2°F
Dew Point: High: 64.7°F Low: 15.4°F Average: 39.3°F
Humidity: High: 98% Low: 36% Average: 79.2%
Precipitation: 3.3 in
Wind Speed: High: 10 mph Average: 2.2 mph
Wind Gust: High: 39 mph
Wind Direction: Average: SSW
Pressure: High: 30.61 in Low: 29.52 in