Write Letters, Notes to Your Teen for Better Understanding

Sometimes, the best way to talk to your teen is to write to her. Writing allows you time to find just the right words. It also gives your teen time to read, think about your note and respond when she is ready.

Other benefits of writing to your teen include:

Fewer arguments, as long as you don’t use notes to criticize or bring up past problems.
Better chance of being “heard.” When your teen reads your note, she can concentrate on it—not on the response she wants to make as soon as you stop talking. She may actually use some of your suggestions!
Giving her a keepsake. Teens treasure notes and letters their parents write to them. You may think they give them a quick read and toss them in the trash. But it’s more likely your teen will save the notes and refer to them again.

Today’s tip is brought to you by the Hopkinton Middle Counseling Department

Source: Michael Riera, Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers.

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