You helped us say “yes” to one more child

It is so heartening when a donor’s $100 gift makes it possible for us to say “yes” to one more child, family, or artist.

Thanks to all of you who support the HCA, especially those who participated in the success of the first HCA Annual Appeal. We are so excited by the generosity and spirit of the entire community.

This support makes a real difference. In the words of a parent:

“Our daughter needed an outlet for her talents. She saw other kids enjoying extracurricular activities but we could not afford them. Thanks to your scholarship, the dance class has helped build her self-confidence and reduce her stress levels. She counts the days until the next class. Your staff is wonderful. Please keep up the great work!”

Together, with your help, we continue to build a home for the arts, open to all, regardless of people’s ability to pay, “envisioning an inclusive community that fosters and celebrates the creative spirit in every individual.”
With deepest appreciation,

Kelly and Kris, Co Directors, HCA
Kelly Grill (, 508.589.4408)
Kris Waldman (, 508.589.4409)

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