Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forum Notice

The Zoning Advisory Committee is a nine-member board appointed by the Planning Board, typically with representatives from the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Appeals, as well as At-Large positions. The Committee meets one or two times a month, usually on Monday evenings.

The purpose of the Zoning Advisory Committee is to review and develop proposals for zoning bylaw and zoning map amendments, and make recommendations to the Planning Board. Zoning bylaws generally regulate the use of land, buildings, and structures.

The Zoning Advisory Committee holds an annual public forum in the fall to hear ideas and proposals for desired changes to the Zoning Bylaw and/or the Zoning Map from residents. This is an opportunity to propose changes to the land uses permitted in specific areas in Hopkinton, the manner in which certain uses are permitted, dimensional requirements, or other ideas with respect to land use regulation.

The Zoning Advisory Committee is holding the 2022 Public Forum on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM, remotely via Zoom. The Zoning Advisory Committee encourages residents to attend this forum and provide ideas and proposals for amendments to the Zoning Bylaws, whether they are changes to regulations currently in place or entirely new regulations.

Access information for the Zoom meeting is below:
Link to join meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89713572614
Meeting ID: 897 1357 2614
Passcode: 368424
Call-in Number:
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 646 931 3860 US

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