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Massachusetts Medical Society's Physician Focus - PSA Inventory

Health Care Public Service Announcements
The Massachusetts Medical Society and Hopkinton Community Television are pleased to make available public service announcements on a variety of health care topics. Featuring practicing physicians who have been guests on our patient education television program, Physician Focus, these spots are designed to provide patients with important information on issues of personal and public health. They are valid for extended periods of time and provide sources of additional information on the topics via websites or toll-free telephone numbers.  All spots are 60 seconds long unless otherwise indicated. For information on these or other health care topics, please write to Rick Gulla, executive producer, at or telephone 781-434-7101.

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Women and Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one threat to women’s health. Discover why, and what you can do to reduce the risk.

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Hearing Loss
Hearing loss affects millions of Americans of all ages. Learn what you can do to preserve your hearing and prevent hearing loss.

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Children’s Health
Mental health is just as important as physical health for a child’s development. Learn the warnings signs of mental health disorders in children.

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Breast Cancer
Breast cancer strikes one in eight women in their lifetime. Learn about the risks, early detection, and preventive steps to take to reduce your risk of breast cancer.

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Common Eye Disorders
Vision impairment increases rapidly with age, yet everyone at every age should practice eye health. Learn what you can do to protect your eyes and enjoy good vision.

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Guns and Public Health
More than one in three homes with children under 18 have a gun. Learn how to protect your child from gun injury.

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The Other Side of Alzheimer’s: Caregivers and Families
Caregiving for patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia can take an enormous physical and emotional toll on caregivers. Learn how to prepare for the demands of caregiving.

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Diabetes: Persistent Epidemic
Diabetes affects 29 million people, and can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease and blindness. Learn the risk factors for this chronic condition and what you can do to prevent it.

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The Causes of Cancer
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, surpassed only by heart disease. Learn what steps you can take to prevent cancer.

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The Measles Outbreak and The Value of Vaccines
Diseases once thought eradicated are now returning with disturbing frequency. Learn how vaccines prevent disease and why they are important for individual and public health.

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Prescription Drug Abuse 1
Lives are being lost from prescription drug abuse. Learn how physicians and patients can work together to reduce the abuse.

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Prescription Drug Abuse 2
Prescription drug abuse has become a national public health problem. Learn what you can do to reduce the abuse.

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Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease affects more than 20 million people in the U.S. Learn what causes this condition and how it is treated.

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Food and Your Health
The amount and kinds of food we eat have great impact on our health. Learn tips for healthy eating that can reduce your risk of chronic disease.

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Managing Your Chronic Disease
Patient self-management is a new model of care emerging for the care of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Find out how you can participate.

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HPV: Human Papillomavirus
Human Papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection and can lead to cervical cancer and head and neck cancers, which claim thousands of lives every year. Learn about HPV and the best way to protect against it.

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End-of-life Planning
End-of-life issues reach every one of us at some time or another. Learn how to prepare for end-of-life care to make sure your preferences are known if you’re unable to make decisions for yourself.

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Boards of Health
Local boards of health play a leading role in protecting our health and safety. Learn what their duties are and how they fulfill their responsibilities to keep citizens safe and healthy.

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Emerging Infectious Diseases
Global travel is bringing new emerging diseases from foreign countries into the United States. Learn how infectious diseases are spread and what you can do to protect yourself.

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Oral Health
Physicians and dentists are beginning to work together to improve oral health. Learn how oral health is connected to physical health and what you can do to improve your oral health.

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HIV infects about 50,000 people each year in the U.S., and many do not know they have the virus. Learn who is most at risk and why it’s important for everyone to get tested.

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Crohn’s and Colitis
Crohn’s and colitis are chronic diseases of the intestines affecting nearly 1.5 million Americans. Discover the symptoms of these conditions and what treatments are available for these conditions.

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Tobacco PSA 1
Every day, more than 1,000 young people under 18 become smokers. Learn what you can do to reduce that number.

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Tobacco PSA 2
Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and disability in the U.S. Here’s help for those who want to quit smoking.

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Millions of Americans are living with chronic hepatitis and don’t know they are infected. Learn about this disease and how to get tested.

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Emergency Medicine
Medical emergencies can happen at any time. Learn some of the warnings signs of emergencies that might require a trip to the emergency department.

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The Physician-Patient Relationship
The physician-patient relationship is the foundation for good health care. Here’s what you should consider when choosing a physician.

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Complicated Grief
The loss of a loved one can lead someone into complicated grief, a condition that raises the risk of physical and mental illness. Discover what this is and how it can be treated.

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Disaster Medicine
The bombings at the Boston Marathon showed that emergencies can happen at any time, anywhere. Learn how to prepare for them, and find out how to volunteer to help when they happen.

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Weight-Loss Surgery
Weight-loss surgery is becoming increasingly common as a treatment for the severely obese. Learn what’s required of patients for this kind of surgery.

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Joint Replacements
The number of joint replacements is soaring in the U.S., as more than a million people year are getting total replacements, usually for hips or knees. Find out what you need to know about this kind of surgery.

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Checkups and Screenings
Which medical checkups and screenings should you have? Find out how shared medical decision making with your health care provider can help to answer that question.

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Youth Violence and Child Abuse
More and more, children are being exposed to violence, with severe effects on their physical and mental health. Learn what you can do to help protect our children.

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Understanding Depression
Depression is a serious mental illness that affects one in ten adults and is a leading cause of disability. Learn the causes and symptoms of this condition and where to turn for help.

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Doctor’s Rx: Healthy Eating
How and what we eat plays a critical role in our health. Learn what you can do to make more healthy choices when dining out.

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Doctor’s Rx: Physical Exercise
Regular physical exercise is one of the best prescriptions for good health for patients of all ages. Learn what you can do to become more active, physically fit, and healthier.

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Youth Substance Abuse
Youth substance abuse is common, with alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Parents can learn what treatment programs are available to help adolescents.

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Mosquito-Borne Diseases
West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis are increasing in frequency, and people are at greatest risk in the warmer months. Learn what you can do to protect yourself from these mosquito-borne illnesses.

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Tick-Borne Diseases
Lyme disease is increasing in Massachusetts and throughout New England. Learn where ticks are most prevalent and what you can do to reduce your risk of getting this disease, spread by infected deer ticks.

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The severity and long-term effects of concussions are being recognized at all levels of sports for all ages. Discover the new state regulations for high-school athletics regarding head injuries.

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Adult vaccinations
While most children get the recommended Immunizations, adult vaccination rates remain low, and too many adults die from preventable deaths each year. Learn what you can do to get up-to-date on your vaccines.

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Youth and Substance Abuse
Substance abuse by adolescents accounts for 60 percent of accidental deaths among teens and poses significant risks to physical and mental health. Parents can learn how to prevent this abuse.

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Understanding Lupus
Lupus is a chronic disease of the immune system that affects various parts of the body. Learn why this condition is so hard to diagnose and why it’s been called America’s most-common, least-known disease.

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Health IT
Information technology is fast becoming an important part of health care for physicians and patients. Learn how electronic medical records and electronic prescribing are making health care safer, faster, and less expensive.

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Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
The Million Hearts Initiative seeks to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes over five years. Learn what you can do to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease.

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Rare Diseases
Rare diseases collectively affect 30 million people in the U.S. The Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center is a useful resource for patients, families, health professionals, and advocates.

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Healthy Babies
Having a healthy baby requires extra special attention.  Find out about the importance of vitamins, vaccinations, diet, and exercise before conception and pre-natal care from your doctor during pregnancy.

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Wound Care
Chronic wounds that do not heal from conventional medical treatments need special treatment at dedicated medical facilities. Learn what these centers offer and what kinds of wounds they treat.

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Medical Literacy
Too many Americans are “medically illiterate,” and that leads to poor prevention, more disease, and higher health care costs. Learn what medical literacy is and how it can improve your health.

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Migraine headaches, characterized by throbbing pain, affect nearly 30 million Americans. Discover what triggers this debilitating condition and how it can be effectively managed and treated.

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Respiratory Conditions
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder is a progressive respiratory disease that damages the airways to your lungs. Learn its symptoms and causes and how it is treated.

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Eating Disorders
Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating affect more than 10 million females and one million males in the U.S. Learn how they affect health and how they can be treated.

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Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder of the brain affecting nearly one million people in the U.S., with 50 to 60,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Find out what the early warning signs are and how to live with the disease.

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Medication Safety
Improper or mistaken use of medications cause more than 700,000 emergency room visits and 120,000 hospitalizations each year. Here are some suggestions to improve medication safety.

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Alcoholism And Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol has become a major part of our culture, a fact reflected in how we socialize with each other, the advertising we see in the media, and even the sponsorships of major events. Most Americans take it for granted that they will drink – more than 90 percent of us do - and some start very early – at 14 or 15 years of age.

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Women’s Health
Women in their 30s and beyond face new challenges to their well-being, as physical changes to their bodies take place with age. Here’s what you can do to take control of your health as menopause occurs.

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Digestive Disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic digestive disorder accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation, and can significantly affect quality of life.

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Food Safety
Each year, 76 million cases of foodborne illness occur. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself.

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School Health
Except for their homes, children spend more time in school that any other place. Children face many health concerns today, but school nurses are in short supply. Here’s how you can help.

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Alcoholism/Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholism is a chronic disease, influenced by a person’s family history and lifestyle. While no cure for alcoholism exists at this time, the condition can be treated with counseling and medication.

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Energy and Air Pollution
Air pollution comes in many forms and can trigger many different illnesses, such as asthma or heart and lung disease. But you can take steps to protect your health and improve the environment.

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Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 10 to 24 year olds, accounting for more than 4,000 deaths annually. And it’s on the minds of far too many young people.

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Asthma is a chronic lung condition impairing a person’s ability to breath. Some 23 million Americans, including one in ten children, are affected by the condition.

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Autism is one of three developmental disabilities, along with Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder not otherwise specified, that cause social, behavioral, and communication challenges for those affected. It can occur in all racial, social and ethnic groups.

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Skin Disorders
One in three people suffer from some kind of skin ailment that results in pain, disfigurement, or disability. The most serious is melanoma, a potentially deadly skin cancer affecting 115,000 each year.

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Emergency Preparedness

Whether it’s infectious disease, severe weather, or a chemical spill, emergencies that threaten our public health can happen at any time. Here’s how you can help in Massachusetts.

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Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is a growing personal and public health problem, affecting nearly 20 million people in the U.S., some as young as 12 years old.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Some 19 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur each year in the U.S., and in many cases these disorders carry no signs or symptoms.

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Epilepsy: The Seizure Disorder
Epilepsy is a chronic medical condition, and can affect a person’s quality of life similar to diabetes, heart disease, cancer or arthritis. It’s the third most common neurological disorder in the U.S.

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Home HealthCare
Home health care services are rapidly increasing and will continue to do so as our population ages, pressure increases to contain health care costs, and more people wish to remain in their homes. 

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Medical Perspectives On Driving
Driving a motor vehicle involves a lot more than just knowledge of the rules of the road. Prescription medications and certain medical conditions, like chronic pain, can impair driving, to the detriment of both drivers and others.