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High School to Step Up Alcohol and Drug Surveillance

By Michelle Murdock, Freelance Writer

Due to the increase in drug and alcohol use seen at Hopkinton High School this year, Principal Alyson Geary has informed parents that additional measures to ensure that the school remains a drug free zone will be taken.

Based on the school’s search policy, lockers assigned to students remain the property of the Hopkinton Public School and, as such, are subject to periodic inspections. Students and/or their vehicles on school property are also subject to search if they are suspected of possessing illegal contraband.

Meet Your Neighbor - An interview with Lynn Arena

By Cheryl Perreault, Columnist

my kids will say "Mom...are you doing hair today?" And I say "Ya...probably"...and it's a Sunday. I'm always in that mode and it's fine. It's who I am but it's not who I am defines a part of me but it's not all of me. I try to keep my work separate from my family time and I know a lot of people have trouble juggling all that. I try to keep my time separate... work is work and family time is for family

Democratic Caucus February 12

By contributor,

Hopkinton Democrats are called to caucus on Saturday, February 12th at the Hopkinton Fire Station on Main St. (rear entrance, upstairs). In accordance with state party rules, the caucus will begin VERY promptly at 10AM.

The purpose of the caucus is to elect 8 delegates and 3 alternate delegates to the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention on June 4th in Lowell.

All registered Democrats in Hopkinton are invited to vote, run for delegate or alternate, or just to socialize with fellow Dems!

Planning for Relay for Life Begins

By contributor,

On Sunday, January 30, 20 members of the Hopkinton Relay For Life Planning Committee visited the Hope Lodge in Boston to make dinner for the residents. More than 50 guests enjoyed a wonderful spaghetti dinner and the Committee members enjoyed the opportunity to meet the residents. Hope Lodge is a temporary residence facility available for cancer patients undergoing outpatient treatment at the Boston hospitals. Patients are able to stay, free of charge, at the Hope Lodge for the duration of their treatment.


By contributor,

Registration Nights are Monday, February 28th and Wednesday March 2nd. Both nights are at Ashland Middle School cafeteria from 6pm-8pm. Please download the Registration Form. Fees for the 2011 season is $250.00, which includes a $50.00 refundable deposit when the equipment is returned.

For more information and to download registration forms, please visit Raider Football

Veterans' Breakfast This Friday

By contributor,

An Invitation from Hank Allessio

On Friday, 4 February 2011, the Senior Center will host the Vets Breakfast. The continuing theme is camaraderie, community, and plenty of food. What better way to meet your buddies? The Senior Center mess hall will have chipped beef ready for you, and -- most important -- it takes only
a few good friends to have an enjoyable get-together.